Elemental Genre Option (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)

This is the first optional module for the Solo Writer’s Curriculum - Elemental Genre. Optional Modules are modules that supplement the main content, but might not be of interest to everyone.

In this case the module is an index of the Elemental Genre related episodes in series 11 of the Writing Excuses podcast. The authors approach this as an overview of the blueprints that make up most of our stories. They aren’t quite the genres you will see in a bookshop or online. For example the Relationship Elemental Genre is the blueprint for Romance … and the buddy cop movie. The episodes look at the key elements of each Elemental Genre - what does a Horror story need, for example, to be considered Horror (and what does the reader expect from Horror).

This is releasing alongside the Ideas: Genre, Length and Form module. You can listen to the set, or dip into it to look at the particular genres that interest you.




Genre, Length and Form 4 (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)