Inktober 2023: 18 saddle

Inktober is an art challenge that takes place every year. 31 days, 31 prompts. The original idea is that you draw in ink, but it has long since expanded to include all sorts of art practices. And this year, I am using it for writing prompts. Write a list of ideas. Write a page. Write a character exercise. As a part of preptober, use these prompts to get yourself in the writing habit.

18 saddle

Nastya Korenkova, Pexels

Round the corner came a black horse, no hobbit-pony but a full-sized horse; and on it sat a large man, who seemed to crouch in the saddle, wrapped in a great black cloak and hood, so that only his boots in the high stirrups showed below; his face was shadowed and invisible.
— JRR Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Inktober 2023: 19 pump


Inktober 2023: 17 demon