I'm going to be posting daily prompts to inspire writing, art or journaling. Use these as you would like to help keep your creative practices moving.

Key words/ideas:

  • charisma and confidence

  • bold action

  • alchemy

Some thoughts that occur to me:

  • A charismatic leader brings together a team of people to fight a a great evil. But what vision is he truly following? Another good one for a list of ideas.

  • Explore the history of alchemy. What kind of world building can you do based on this?

  • A character rises to the executive level in an old and well respected company. What do they find?

  • A character rises from commoner to ruler, defeating great evil. Then the start insisting other kingdoms are also evil and their people need to be ‘liberated’. What is the response?

Note that cards are drawn at random and may be drawn more than once. In that case I will repost with an additional idea. I am going to cap the number of repeats at 3 until I’ve been through the whole deck, but other than this I let the luck of the draw decide. Coming up with more ideas for the same card will force me to be more imaginative and its something I strongly recommend.


Magic 8 (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)


Magic 7 (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)