I'm going to be posting daily prompts to inspire writing, art or journaling. Use these as you would like to help keep your creative practices moving.

Key words/ideas:

  • diplomacy and compromise

  • courage

  • balance

  • a cross roads

Another one of my favourite cards. Some thoughts that occur to me:

  • Take the image of this card. How did the character come to be in this situation. What is going to happen next?

  • A character is at a cross roads, trying to find a route that will meet the needs of everyone. They pick another route entirely. Come up with a premise and then a list of options for how they could break all the rules.

  • A final confrontation ends with victory for neither side. What compromise did they come to so that the conflict ends?

Note that cards are drawn at random and may be drawn more than once. In that case I will repost with an additional idea. I am going to cap the number of repeats at 3 until I’ve been through the whole deck, but other than this I let the luck of the draw decide. Coming up with more ideas for the same card will force me to be more imaginative and its something I strongly recommend.


Promises 5 (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)


Promises 4 (Solo Writer’s Curriculum)