Snowflake Method Step 1

Here we are at the beginning of the journey. But what is a beginning? Even if you think you are at the very beginning, starting with a blank page, that probably isn’t the case. You are full of experiences and ideas and all the books and TV shows and movies and everything else that you have consumed.

Egor Kamelev, Pexels

For those who don’t have an idea in mind, you might want to go to the NaNoWriMo website and look at their week 1 exercise around generating an idea.

Snowflake Step 1: Your Novel in a Single Sentence

Recommended time: 1 hour

Write a single sentence description of your novel. Keep it as short as you can. No character names.

Tip: Ingarmanson recommends reading the one line blurbs on the New York Times bestseller list.

This is the one step I had already completed before I thought to make this a series on this website. Its harder than it sounds. I did need a full hour, as I revised it quite a few times. I also needed to limit it to an hour or I could have kept revising it forever. And since then I’ve already thought of changes to it.

This is also the one step I am going to share. At the moment it looks like this:

Returning home, an isolated woman discovers clues to a forgotten past and an enigmatic guru who might hold the key, if she can survive a bitter cultist, a shadowy organisation, the whisper only she hears and the ever rising sea.


Snowflake Method Step 2


Preptober 2023 - Snowflake Edition